Unsecured Business Loans and Lines of Credit
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Unsecured Business Loans and Lines of Credit

Funding for small businesses has changed…

In today’s economic environment, banks are no longer able to freely lend money to businesses like yours. Conventional banks are flooded with applications from consumers and businesses. This onslaught of business leaves the banks with mountains of applicants and the flexibility to pick and choose which businesses get approved. At any given time, as much as 75% of all businesses are Conventionally Un-bankable. Companies that normally qualified are now being denied. It is just the plain truth. Fortunately, we can help.

Banks must lend money since it is the primary way that they can make money for their investors. Loans that Commercial Banks make to businesses make up the majority of bank revenues. The question becomes, who gets approved? Bank rules and restrictions determine who is in and who is out. When lending policies are tight, businesses have a harder time generating capital to operate.

Navigating each bank’s lending restrictions provides a challenge for your business. You must know EXACTLY what they are looking for or you are simply wasting time. That is where Prime Funding Partners comes in. Your company will have access to our large network of national and regional lenders.  You will have the best chance to get the funding your business needs with one easy, no hassle application and at the best terms.

Contact us today for a free, no-obligation analysis of your financing needs.

A member of our professional staff will contact you to discuss your business’ short and long-term financial needs.